
Airpods Pro
No, I did not create the AirPods Pro...BUT, I did play around with it and tried to use it to solve a problem I've had since high school – shoulder/trapezius muscle tightness.After prototyping a wearable to detect muscle tension (see relax), I realized that posture may be a bigger cause of shoulder/trapezoid pain and tension. In addition, creating new hardware that is sleek and compact is hard to do on my own.I decided to pivot into leveraging existing hardware that many people have access to – AirPods.It turns out that the AirPods Pro has a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope, which are used for its spatial audio feature. It is quite amazing how something so small can be so powerful... I decided to tap into it.I built an app that pairs up with your AirPods Pro and allows you to configure your current head's position. Then, whenever you tilt your head too far forward or downwards as you work in front of a computer screen (a position that poses immense stress to your neck and trapezius muscles, causing chronic pain or tension), the app will notify you and remind you to correct your posture (see demo video on the left.)Since most people who use this app would be working, I also added a simple break timer, reminding people to stretch and take a break after a work session.Source Code